SMS and Email Use


Email Use

Patients may actively and consistently use email as their preferred method of communication. It is imperative that the patient confirms their email address with the organisation enabling Amersham Vale Practice to verify the accuracy of the information held.

It is the responsibility of the patient to ensure that they provide an up to date email address and all patients must be advised that Amersham Vale Practice is not responsible for the protection of the information once it has been received by the patient. It is also to be recommended to the patient that they do not use a shared email address for the purpose of communicating with Amersham Vale Practice so that confidential information will not be seen by family members.

Additionally, patients are to be advised that internet email accounts are not secure and that there is a risk of their email being hacked (albeit a small risk). Again, Amersham Vale Practice will not accept any responsibility for the loss of confidential information should a patient’s email account be hacked.

Consent is required prior to us sending you an email.

Upon registering if you supplied your email, you would have been asked if you consent to be contacted by email or not.

Emails received / sent will be saved to your medical records, if it's relevant to your healthcare.

We do not accept emails directly from patients, especially involving their medical care. The email box is not monitored on a regular basis. If you do email you will be directed to either call us on 020 3474 6730 or use alternative methods to contact us - see our appointments page or contact us page on how to communicate with us.

If you wish to OPT in or OPT out of us using your email - please complete the following form



We will use your mobile to call you, but also to text you.

We will not send sensitive information via text message.

We will send you appointment reminders, annual review reminders, if you have a long term condition and / or on long term medication that requires monitoring.

We will send you information that would affect you about the practice, such as access and changes to the way we work

Texts sent and received will be saved to your medical record.

Any pictures received, if relevant for your medical health, will be saved to your records.

We do not share your mobile number, unless we have your consent with third parties.

You mobile may be shared with hospitals, other medical establishments if you consent to a referral being made on your behalf.

If you wish to OPT in or OPT out of us using your mobile number for texting - please complete the following form

Please see our Policies index for our Data Protection, Confidentality and GDPR policies.